Founder - Abraham Martinez
About The Company - The Full Tech Experiance
Chaotic Soft LLC is a small private technology and digital graphics studios. Created and founded by it sole member, Abraham Martinez. We specialize in computer and networking technology products and solutions. While our company is making products in-house. We do take on customers and business from the public. To help provided for your businesses techincal needs, in this everyday evolving world. And helping you intergrate the devices you need to make your job easier and expand your customer base. We also design: Software, websites, and mobile App for buisneeses of all sizes. Our second side of the business is our digital studio. The idea is to show how digital media and Art both come together. It’s not just Video Games and CGI anymore these days. There are many other pieces as well that intertwine these two services. Our projects are done by our founders and owner. Sometimes the company may included other artists. But will not be an employees of Chaotic Soft LLC. We are proud and amazed to show our works as well as others projects done by talented programmers, game makers, and artists alike.
About Our stores -
Our store is powered by *We do not hold any customer data. Just the information need to ship our install our product will be given to us. We are selling and creating networks types that will keep your business working efficient and secure. We will also be selling works and concepts for digital medias, software, art, and collectible items. Currently our story sells collectibles. Which including graded and incased comics. Some are original sketch covers we commision, with very famous and popular Artists. As well as other works of arts. This helps us fund our graphic studio sided.
About Events -
We do attend events as Vendors, Sponsers, and regular ticket holder guest. Regular ticket guests keeps us unbiased about what we write or comment about. while we attend the event. Our reviews also will mostly be small, and short. Only highlighting important news about what had transpired at the event. We believe it’s better watching their streams or going to the event yourself. Than us giving you the play by play about what’s happening.
Updated August, 2022